
a classy little scripting language

Fiber Class

A lightweight coroutine. Here is a gentle introduction.

Static Methods #

Fiber.abort(message) #

Raises a runtime error with the provided message:

Fiber.abort("Something bad happened.")

If the message is null, does nothing.

Fiber.current #

The currently executing fiber.

Fiber.new(function) #

Creates a new fiber that executes function in a separate coroutine when the fiber is run. Does not immediately start running the fiber.

var fiber = Fiber.new {
  System.print("I won't get printed")

function must be a function (an actual Fn instance, not just an object with a call() method) and it may only take zero or one parameters.

Fiber.suspend() #

Pauses the current fiber, and stops the interpreter. Control returns to the host application.

Typically, you store a reference to the fiber using Fiber.current before calling this. The fiber can be resumed later by calling or transferring to that reference. If there are no references to it, it is eventually garbage collected.

Much like yield(), returns the value passed to call() or transfer() when the fiber is resumed.

Fiber.yield() #

Pauses the current fiber and transfers control to the parent fiber. “Parent” here means the last fiber that was started using call and not transfer.

var fiber = Fiber.new {
  System.print("Before yield")
  System.print("After yield")

fiber.call()                //> Before yield
System.print("After call")  //> After call
fiber.call()                //> After yield

When resumed, the parent fiber’s call() method returns null.

If a yielded fiber is resumed by calling call() or transfer() with an argument, yield() returns that value.

var fiber = Fiber.new {
  System.print(Fiber.yield()) //> value

fiber.call()        // Run until the first yield.
fiber.call("value") // Resume the fiber.

If it was resumed by calling call() or transfer() with no argument, it returns null.

If there is no parent fiber to return to, this exits the interpreter. This can be useful to pause execution until the host application wants to resume it later.

System.print("this does not get reached")

Fiber.yield(value) #

Similar to Fiber.yield but provides a value to return to the parent fiber’s call.

var fiber = Fiber.new {

System.print(fiber.call()) //> value

Methods #

call() #

Starts or resumes the fiber if it is in a paused state. Equivalent to:


call(value) #

Start or resumes the fiber if it is in a paused state. If the fiber is being started for the first time, and its function takes a parameter, value is passed to it.

var fiber = Fiber.new {|param|
  System.print(param) //> begin


If the fiber is being resumed, value becomes the returned value of the fiber’s call to yield.

var fiber = Fiber.new {
  System.print(Fiber.yield()) //> resume


error #

The error message that was passed when aborting the fiber, or null if the fiber has not been aborted.

var fiber = Fiber.new {

System.print(fiber.error) //> Num does not implement method 'badMethod'.

isDone #

Whether the fiber’s main function has completed and the fiber can no longer be run. This returns false if the fiber is currently running or has yielded.

try() #

Tries to run the fiber. If a runtime error occurs in the called fiber, the error is captured and is returned as a string.

var fiber = Fiber.new {

var error = fiber.try()
System.print("Caught error: " + error)

If the called fiber raises an error, it can no longer be used.

try(value) #

Tries to run the fiber. If a runtime error occurs in the called fiber, the error is captured and is returned as a string. If the fiber is being started for the first time, and its function takes a parameter, value is passed to it.

var fiber = Fiber.new {|value|

var error = fiber.try("just a string")
System.print("Caught error: " + error)

If the called fiber raises an error, it can no longer be used.

transfer() #

Pauses execution of the current running fiber, and transfers control to this fiber.

Read more about the difference between call and transfer. Unlike call, transfer doesn’t track the origin of the transfer.

// keep hold of the fiber we start in
var main = Fiber.current

// create a new fiber, note it doesn't execute yet!
var fiber = Fiber.new {
  System.print("inside 'fiber'") //> #2: from #1
  main.transfer()                //> #3: go back to 'main'

fiber.transfer()      //> #1: print "inside 'fiber'" via #2
                      //> this fiber is now paused by #1

System.print("main")  //> #4: prints "main", unpaused by #3

transfer(value) #

Pauses execution of the current running fiber, and transfers control to this fiber.

Similar to transfer, but a value can be passed between the fibers.

// keep hold of the fiber we start in
var main = Fiber.current

// create a new fiber, note it doesn't execute yet
// also note that we're accepting a 'value' parameter
var fiber = Fiber.new {|value|
  System.print("in 'fiber' = %(value)")   //> #2: in 'fiber' = 5
  var result = main.transfer("hello?")    //> #3: send to 'message'
  System.print("end 'fiber' = %(result)") //> #6: end 'fiber' = 32

var message = fiber.transfer(5)   //> #1: send to 'value'
System.print("... %(message)")    //> #4: ... hello?
fiber.transfer(32)                //> #5: send to 'result'

transferError(error) #

Transfer to this fiber, but set this fiber into an error state. The fiber.error value will be populated with the value in error.

var A = Fiber.new {
  System.print("transferred to A")     //> #4
  B.transferError("error!")            //> #5

var B = Fiber.new {
  System.print("started B")            //> #2 
  A.transfer()                         //> #3
  System.print("should not get here")

B.try()                   //> #1
System.print(B.error)     //> #6: prints "error!" from #5

// B fiber can no longer be used

B.call()                  //> #7: Cannot call an aborted fiber.