
a classy little scripting language

Configuring the VM

When you create a Wren VM, you tweak it by passing in a pointer to a WrenConfiguration structure. Since Wren has no global state, you can configure each VM differently if your application happens to run multiple.

The struct looks like:

typedef struct
  WrenReallocateFn reallocateFn;
  WrenLoadModuleFn loadModuleFn;
  WrenBindForeignMethodFn bindForeignMethodFn;
  WrenBindForeignClassFn bindForeignClassFn;
  WrenWriteFn writeFn;
  WrenErrorFn errorFn;
  size_t initialHeapSize;
  size_t minHeapSize;
  int heapGrowthPercent;
} WrenConfiguration;

Most fields have useful defaults, which you can (and should) initialize by calling:


Calling this ensures that your VM doesn’t get uninitialized configuration when new fields are added to WrenConfiguration. Here is what each field does, roughly categorized:

Binding #

The VM is isolated from the outside world. These callbacks let the VM request access to imported code and foreign functionality.

loadModuleFn #

This is the callback Wren uses to load an imported module. The VM itself does not know how to talk to the file system, so when an import statement is executed, it relies on the host application to locate and read the source code for a module.

The signature of this function is:

WrenLoadModuleResult loadModule(WrenVM* vm, const char* name)

When a module is imported, Wren calls this and passes in the module’s name. The host should return the source code for that module in a WrenLoadModuleResult struct.

WrenLoadModuleResult myLoadModule(WrenVM* vm, const char* name) {
  WrenLoadModuleResult result = {0};
    result.source = getSourceForModule(name);
  return result;

The module loader is only be called once for any given module name. Wren caches the result internally so subsequent imports of the same module use the previously loaded code.

If your host application isn’t able to load a module with some name, it should make sure the source value is NULL when returned. Wren will then report that as a runtime error.

If you don’t use any import statements, you can leave the loadModuleFn field in the configuration set to NULL (the default).

Additionally, the WrenLoadModuleResult allows us to add a callback for when Wren is done with the source, so we can free the memory if needed.

static void loadModuleComplete(WrenVM* vm, 
                               const char* module,
                               WrenLoadModuleResult result) 
  if(result.source) {
    //for example, if we used malloc to allocate
    //our source string, we use free to release it.

WrenLoadModuleResult myLoadModule(WrenVM* vm, const char* name) {
  WrenLoadModuleResult result = {0};
    result.onComplete = loadModuleComplete;
    result.source = getSourceForModule(name);
  return result;

bindForeignMethodFn #

The callback Wren uses to find a foreign method and bind it to a class. See this page for details. If your application defines no foreign methods, you can leave this NULL.

bindForeignClassFn #

The callback Wren uses to find a foreign class and get its foreign methods. See this page for details. If your application defines no foreign classes, you can leave this NULL.

Diagnostics #

These let you wire up some minimal output so you can tell if your code is doing what you expect.

writeFn #

This is the callback Wren uses to output text when System.print() or the other related functions are called. This is the minimal connection the VM has with the outside world and lets you do rudimentary “printf debugging”. Its signature is:

void write(WrenVM* vm, const char* text)

Wren does not have a default implementation for this. It’s up to you to wire it up to printf() or some other way to show the text. If you leave it NULL, calls to System.print() and others silently do nothing.

errorFn #

Wren uses this callback to report compile time and runtime errors. Its signature is:

void error(
      WrenVM* vm, 
      WrenErrorType type,
      const char* module,
      int line,
      const char* message)

The type parameter is one of:

typedef enum
  // A syntax or resolution error detected at compile time.

  // The error message for a runtime error.

  // One entry of a runtime error's stack trace.
} WrenErrorType;

When a compile error occurs, errorFn is called once with type WREN_ERROR_COMPILE, the name of the module and line where the error occurs, and the error message.

Runtime errors include stack traces. To handle this, Wren first calls errorFn with WREN_ERROR_RUNTIME, no module or line, and the runtime error’s message. After that, it calls errorFn again using type WREN_ERROR_STACK_TRACE, once for each line in the stack trace. Each of those calls has the module and line where the method or function is defined and message is the name of the method or function.

If you leave this NULL, Wren does not report any errors.

Memory Management #

These fields control how the VM allocates and manages memory.

reallocateFn #

This lets you provide a custom memory allocation function. Its signature is:

void* reallocate(void* memory, size_t newSize, void* userData)

Wren uses this one function to allocate, grow, shrink, and deallocate memory. When called, memory is the existing pointer to the block of memory if an allocation is being changed or freed. If Wren is requesting new memory, then memory is NULL.

newSize is the number of bytes of memory being requested. If memory is being freed, this is zero. Your callback should allocate the proper amount of memory and return it.

If you don’t provide a custom allocator, the VM uses a default one that relies on realloc and free.

initialHeapSize #

This defines the total number of bytes of memory the VM will allocate before triggering the first garbage collection. Setting this to a smaller number reduces the amount of memory Wren will have allocated at one time, but causes it to collect garbage more frequently.

If you set this to zero, Wren uses a default size of 10MB.

minHeapSize #

After a garbage collection occurs, the threshold for the next collection is determined based on the number of bytes remaining in use. This allows Wren to grow or shrink its memory usage automatically based on how much memory is actually needed.

This can be used to ensure that the heap does not get too small, which can in turn lead to a large number of collections afterwards as the heap grows back to a usable size.

If zero, this defaults to 1MB.

heapGrowthPercent #

Wren tunes the rate of garbage collection based on how much memory is still in use after a collection. This number controls that. It determines the amount of additional memory Wren will use after a collection, as a percentage of the current heap size.

For example, say that this is 50. After a garbage collection, there are 400 bytes of memory still in use. That means the next collection will be triggered after a total of 600 bytes are allocated (including the 400 already in use.)

Setting this to a smaller number wastes less memory, but triggers more frequent garbage collections.

If set to zero, the VM uses a default of 50.

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