
a classy little scripting language

Scheduler Class

The Scheduler class maintains a list of fibers, to be started one after the other, when a signal to do so is received. The signal (a private method call) is typically transmitted by long running methods in the File or Timer classes which suspend the current fiber so that Wren can carry out other tasks in the meantime.

Static Method #

Scheduler.add(callable) #

Adds a new fiber to the scheduler’s fibers list. This fiber calls callable and then transfers to the next fiber in the list, if there is one.

callable is a function or other object which has a call() method.

var a = 3

Scheduler.add {
  a = a * a

Scheduler.add {
  a = a + 1

System.print(a)        // still 3
Timer.sleep(3000)      // wait 3 seconds
System.print(a)        // now 3 * 3 + 1 = 10