
a classy little scripting language

File Class

Lets you work with files on the file system. An instance of this class represents an open file with a file descriptor.

When you are done with a file object, it’s a good idea to explicitly close it. If you don’t, the GC will close it when the file is no longer used and gets finalized, but that may take a while. In the meantime, leaving it open wastes a file descriptor.

Static Methods #

File.create(path, fn) #

Opens the file at path for writing and passes it to fn. If there is already a file at that path, it is truncated. After the function returns, the file is automatically closed.

File.create("numbers.txt") {|file|
  file.writeBytes("one two three")

File.delete(path) #

Deletes the file at path.

File.exists(path) #

Whether a regular file exists at path. This returns false for directories or other special file system entities.

File.open(path, fn) #

Opens the file at path for reading and passes it to fn. After the function returns, the file is automatically closed.

File.open("words.txt") {|file|

File.read(path) #

Reads the entire contents of the file at path and returns it as a string.


No encoding or decoding is done. If the file is UTF-8, then the resulting string will be a UTF-8 string. Otherwise, it will be a string of bytes in whatever encoding the file uses.

File.realPath(path) #

Resolves path, traversing symlinks and removining any unneeded ./ and ../ components. Returns the canonical absolute path to the file.

var path = "/some/./symlink/a/../b/file.txt"
System.print(File.realPath(path)) //> /real/path/a/file.txt

File.size(path) #

Returns the size in bytes of the contents of the file at path.

Constructors #

File.create(path) #

Opens the file at path for writing. If there is already a file at that path, it is truncated.

var file = File.create("colors.txt")
file.writeBytes("chartreuse lime teal")

File.open(path) #

Opens the file at path for reading. You are responsible for closing it when done with it.

Methods #

descriptor #

The numeric file descriptor used to access the file.

isOpen #

Whether the file is still open or has been closed.

size #

The size of the contents of the file in bytes.

close() #

Closes the file. After calling this, you can’t read or write from it.

readBytes(count) #

Reads up to count bytes starting from the beginning of the file.

// Assume this file contains "I am a file!".
File.open("example.txt") {|file|
  System.print(file.readBytes(6)) //> I am a

readBytes(count, offset) #

Reads up to count bytes starting at offset bytes from the beginning of the file.

// Assume this file contains "I am a file!".
File.open("example.txt") {|file|
  System.print(file.readBytes(6, 2)) //> am a f

writeBytes(bytes) #

Writes the raw bytes of the string bytes to the end of the file.

writeBytes(bytes, offset) #

Writes the raw bytes of the string bytes to the to the file, starting at offset. Any overlapping bytes already in the file at the offset are overwritten.